What is Covenant Partnership?
Genesis 26:12-13
“Then Isaac planted [seed] in that land [as a farmer] and reaped in the same year a hundred times [as much as he had planted], and the Lord blessed and favored him. And the man [Issac became Greta and gained more and more until he became very wealthy and extremely distinguished…”
Covenant Partnership is a reciprocal relationship of giving and receiving according to the biblical principles outlined above concerning seedtime, harvest, blessings, and favor. This partnership is a shared commitment to sow, plant, participate and reap in our shared vision, values, and mission, rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We, therefore, consider partnership as a covenant connection that helps to spread the word of God and release breakthroughs in the lives of our partners. We share a common goal with our generous, giving partners to reach communities, regions, nations, and the world, with the word of faith and hope, each bringing resources to advance the Kingdom of God. PTGI Covenant Partnership is, therefore, a commitment of our partners to join hands with us so we can do more than we could ever do individually to bring the message of faith, hope, and to win souls for the kingdom of God. By standing together in faith in prayer, we can reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ more effectively.
Covenant Partnership is an opportunity to invest in the Kingdom of God: – This commitment gives you the opportunity to sow a seed into God’s work. As you sow into God’s work, you are taking care of the Lord’s work one day at a time. You may not be here in person, but your contributions go a long way to help us pursue the vision that God has given to us. We believe in the principle that seedtime and harvest will not cease (Genesis 8:22)
We are committed to seeing you manifest your Kingdom Destiny.
No matter where you are called to bless the kingdom: business, education, art, sports, government, media, entertainment, or ministry. Covenant partnering is about seeing you flourish within the Kingdom because of your decision to see the Kingdom come to the earth through your obedience in blessing the work of the Lord in this local house and the nations. Through your covenant partnering the same anointing of divine favor and blessing that is on this ministry will flow to you and your household. PTGI is committed to our Covenant partners reaching their Kingdom purposed destiny through anointed prayer, special gifts and teachings and partner meetings that focus on causing you to be fruitful sons of God’s Kingdom and agenda. We pour into the personal lives of our partners the love and revelation of God through Jesus Christ. And ultimately, it is through this committed covenant relationship that we complete the commandments of our Lord to take His covenant love and uncompromising word both locally and globally to Transform People and Transform Nations.
Covenant Partner Statement
I understand as a Covenant Partner I am partnering with the leadership of this house to further and advance the Kingdom of God through the commitment of sowing financially as a Covenant Partner in the favor and blessing of the Lord according to His word to see the knowledge and Glory of the Lord cover all the nations of the earth and I stand and agree with this Word that this happens through a people who realize it must be expressed as a reality through covenant giving.
We bless the Lord for your life and for your commitment to see His Kingdom advance in the earth!